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For Immediate Release: Tues., Oct. 15
Contact: Joe Reed ǀ Director of Marketing and Communications
412/622-6915, ext. 3801 ǀ  

Phipps Conservatory’s Halloween Happenings Serves up Hauntingly Good Family Fun
Annual event offers entertainment, games, activities and more for all ages

Pittsburgh, PA — Spooky fun is creeping into Pittsburgh’s haunted glasshouse and boo-tanical gardens as Phipps Conservatory presents Halloween Happenings. Families are invited to bring costumed kids for an evening of mischief and magic on Fri., Oct. 25 from 4 – 8 p.m.


Ghouls and goblins of all ages can come to the Conservatory in costume for an evening of festive activities. Send a tingle up your spine with a witch’s brew display complete with live snakes, newts and toads. The most mischievous of poltergeists will go batty over fun games and our youngest ghostly guests are invited to sink their teeth into healthy and delicious snacks, delight at carved pumpkins and pot their very own spooky plants. Plus, kid-friendly entertainment and a face painter make this a wicked fun event.


Fall Flower Show: Japanese Inspirations provides the perfect backdrop for a howling good time. Guests are invited to explore the spectacular chrysanthemum displays celebrating Japan’s exuberant festivals, and enjoy the interactive Garden Railroad: Farms, Food and Family.


All activities are free with the price of Conservatory admission, which is $17.95 for adults, $16.95 for seniors and students, and $11.95 for children ages 2 – 18. Members and kids under 2 enter at no cost. For more information, visit



About Phipps: Founded in 1893, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh, PA is a globally recognized green leader with a mission to inspire and educate all with the beauty and importance of plants; to advance sustainability and promote human and environmental well-being through action and research; and to celebrate its historic glasshouse. Encompassing 15 acres including a historic 14-room glasshouse, 23 distinct indoor and outdoor gardens and industry-leading sustainable architecture and operations, Phipps attracts nearly half a million visitors annually from around the world. Learn more at