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Let your inspiration grow.

Peruse our offerings for an exciting variety of fun and enriching programs on gardening, arts and crafts, healthy living and sustainability. Our certificate courses are open to everyone and may be taken as stand-alone classes provided that all necessary prerequisites, if applicable, have been satisfied. 

For more details about our programs, or to receive personalized class recommendations from our helpful staff, please feel free to contact us at

Learn to garden with a positive impact on the environment and discover how to best use native plants for habitat and ecosystem preservation.

Certificate Details >

One of most extensive course of study available in the region, covering all aspects of floral design, from the art's rich history to the present day.

Certificate Details > 

Learn how to draw botanical subjects with scientific accuracy and artistry, with concentrations in watercolor or colored pencil.

Certificate Details >

From herbal medicine and terrariums to upgrading your ornamental and edible garden skills, excite and inspire your love of nature.

Join us in the beautiful, state-of-the-art Botany Hall Kitchen to prepare food that is good for you and the planet.

These special events will keep you at the forefront of your field of interest and connected to like-minded individuals.

Phipps Adult Education Courses Made Possible in Part By

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Phipps Adult Education classes are designed for individuals 18 years of age and older. Minors 16+ are permitted when accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also registered for the class.  

Confirmations will be emailed the day before each class, including a Zoom link. Please check your spam/junk mail folder, and if you have not received the link, email

Select photos © Paul g. Wiegman, Kitoko Chargois