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At Phipps, we believe that research and discovery are essential tools to evolve the interconnections between people, plants, health, planet and beauty. Our initiatives lead the worldwide charge for sustainable innovation and range from the performance assessment of our own campus to the support of young scientists conducting field work around the globe. 

This initiative and symposium series brings leaders together to build a shared interdisciplinary vision of “health” and serve as a catalyst for positive change.

At this new symposium, leaders across disciplines come together to discuss the influence and impact of biophilia on their work and the work of the future.

As part of our efforts to serve as a model and educator, Phipps presents regular workshops and trainings for professionals and the community.

Learn what Phipps is doing and what you can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by utilizing a variety of different technologies, practices and strategies.

The Botany in Action Fellowship has aided over 40 doctoral-level student researchers representing 19 universities and working in 22 countries.

In Phipps' case studies, you'll learn how we achieved various certifications with best practices that can be applied to your own projects.

The Phipps Research Institute for Biophilia and Science Engagement is focused on the connections between people and their environment.

Photos © George Meindl; Denmarsh Photography, Inc.