Last Chance to See Extraordinary SUPER. NATURAL. Glass Art Exhibit at Phipps Conservatory
For Immediate Release: Thurs., Oct. 12
Contact: Julie LaBar | Director of Marketing and Communications
412/622-6915, ext. 3801 ǀ
Last Chance to See Extraordinary SUPER. NATURAL. Glass Art Exhibit at Phipps Conservatory
Acclaimed SUPER. NATURAL. newly transformed with the season in its Fall Finale, ends Nov. 5.
Pittsburgh, Pa. — SUPER. NATURAL., the “must see” glass art exhibit of the year at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens will leave Pittsburgh in just a few short weeks, and visitors have their last chance to fall for glass art all over again during the Fall Finale of this larger-than-life show.
Beginning Saturday, vibrant fall plantings, including thousands of colorful chrysanthemums in all shapes and sizes, will transform the Conservatory with SUPER. NATURAL. glass art by renowned international glass artist Jason Gamrath as its stunning centerpiece.
Embracing Phipps’ tradition of stunning Fall Flower Shows, a wide variety of seasonal mums complement different pieces of this signature art show. Bright pink and purple mums in the Victoria Room beautifully pair with the 14-foot-wide water lily, and deep red and yellow mums intensify the gorgeous colors of the giant orchids in the South Conservatory. Walking through all of the treasured glasshouses, visitors will enjoy a vibrant sensory experience including fall botanical favorites and Gamrath’s masterful art, while savoring a quiet moment of reflection in the midst of changing seasons.
SUPER. NATURAL. Nights continue through Sun., Nov. 5, offering guests opportunities to experience the exclusive exhibit until 11 p.m. every night. Explore super-sized glass plants, flowers and fun by day and by night – It is truly a different show as the sun sets over Phipps’ windowed glasshouses. At night, special theatrical lighting installed specifically for SUPER. NATURAL. showcases intricate glass art details and creates a mesmerizing glow that goes unseen in the daytime. Please note that Phipps will close at 5 p.m. on select limited dates for private events, listed at
Don’t miss the last chance to see stunning glass art inspired by nature among botanical fall favorites in the blockbuster SUPER. NATURAL. Fall Finale, ending Sun., Nov. 5.
About Phipps: Founded in 1893, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh, Pa. is a green leader among public gardens with a mission to inspire and educate all with the beauty and importance of plants; to advance sustainability and promote human and environmental well-being through action and research; and to celebrate its historic glasshouse. Learn more:
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Photos © Paul g. Wiegman