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5-2-1-0 Virtual Programs offer a variety of content focused on the 5-2-1-0 movement to reinforce healthy lifestyle choices that benefit local kids and their families. The 5-2-1-0 movement promotes four key messages about healthy eating and physical activity. These are:

  • 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day
  • 2 hours or less of recreational screen time every day
  • 1 hour or more of physical activity every day
  • 0 sugary drinks and more water every day

By emphasizing these healthy habits, we can all help forge a brighter future for Pittsburgh’s kids! 

Are you getting creative about your schooling options this fall, like forming an education “pod” or “bubble?” All of Phipps’ camps and programs can be easily adapted to multi-family micro-schooling sessions for just $30 for 2-6 students each additional student is $5.00. To learn more, contact; we’re ready to help your group of young learners connect with nature!

5-2-1-0 Virtual Programs

Nutrition Lunch and Learn Series

Explore our Nutrition Lunch and Learn Series for unique programming focused on healthy, sustainable recipes. Looking to become more energized, eat a healthier diet or learn how to cook something new? These classes are for you!

5-2-1-0 Virtual Programs

Physical Activity Lunch and Learn Series

Explore our Physical Activity Lunch and Learn Series for high schoolers and adults. These unique programs teach tips for creating a healthy, active lifestyle for young children.

5-2-1-0 Virtual Programs

Eat the Rainbow Series

From protecting eyesight to boosting brain health, learn about the power of variety in our Eat the Rainbow Series. We will be making a color-themed snack in each eat-the-rainbow class. 

5-2-1-0 Virtual Programs

Playful Pop Up Series

Join Sarah Cullo, Let's Move Pittsburgh program coordinator, for an exciting new way to incorporate multisensory play and learning into your daily activity. Need to get your wiggles out after lunch?  Preschoolers will have an exciting virtual adventure while getting a great physical activity break with their caregiver.

5-2-1-0 Virtual Programs

Virtual Young Chefs Cooking Academy

Beginning young chefs are welcome to join the Virtual Young Chefs Cooking Academy where students will learn basic knife and culinary skills with Chef Emily Larsen. Families will recieve a food list prior to each session and will purchase the food independently. 

5-2-1-0 Virtual Programs

Dinner Together

Get your family together over a fabulous baked potato bar with all the fixings. Chef Emily will show you how to do everything to make your family a memorable and fun meal they all enjoy together. 

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