5-2-1-0 in Childcare

Get the Toolkit
The 5-2-1-0 Goes to Childcare Toolkit is a step-by-step guide for launching, leading and evaluating your 5-2-1-0 program. Inside you will find resources to help you conduct an assessment, create an action plan, and implement the 10 Strategies for Success.
Professional Development
Below, you will find several trainings from Let’s Go!, Keystone Kids Go!, and Better Kid Care. You can complete the modules of interest to you as you have time and at your own pace.
Let’s Go!
Let’s Go! Trainings are designed to educate childcare providers on different physical activity and nutrition-related topics for young children. Trainings offer printable handouts, lesson quizzes and a certificate of completion. No registration is required to review trainings.
- Eat Right, Grow Strong: Nutrition for Young Children
This module is designed to give child care providers an overview of what specific foods should be offered to young children along with how and why these foods should be offered.
- Moving Children to Good Health: Physical Activity for Young Children
This module is designed to educate child care providers on the basics of physical activity for young children and the role body movement has in proper development.
- Supporting Breastfeeding Families: A Guide for Child Care Providers
This module is designed to educate providers on how to properly store and handle breast milk and how a child care program can create a welcoming and supportive environment for breastfeeding families.
Keystone Kids Go!
The Pennsylvania Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (PA NAP SACC) is a product of Keystone Kids Go! Each training takes approximately one hour to complete. Register with PA KEYS to Quality to receive professional development hours for Keystone STARS.
Better Kid Care
Better Kid Care trainings are offered online through the Penn State Extension On Demand program. Better Kid Care's distance education program assists childcare providers in obtaining research-based professional development and is accepted for PA Department of Public Welfare/Keystone STARS professional development requirements. Better Kid Care's professional development is also accepted by many states for licensing or quality rating requirements. Sign up on the Penn State Extension website to access On Demand trainings.
- A Good Night’s Sleep: How Sleep Affects Health
Sleep is as essential to good health as nutrition and physical activity. Researchers continue to discover ways in which sleep affects health in children. Recent connections have been made between sleep and hormone regulation as it relates to the risk of obesity. Association between brain development, cognitive and behavioral effects are areas of interest as well. This lesson explores the relationship of sleep and health including helpful tips and recommendations for age-specific requirements. (K7.3 C1, CDA 1) 2 hours
- Children Can Cook
Cooking with young children is an important way for them to learn through sensory exploration. Safety concerns, as well as the potential “mess” often prohibit families and early educators from including children in cooking activities. This lesson provides practical guidance for fun and manageable ideas to encourage children in the development of their culinary skills. (K7.3 C2 CDA2) 2 hours
- Cooking Matters for Child Care Professionals: Basics
Healthy food is essential for everyone’s well-being. Child care providers play a key role in helping children get needed nourishment and also develop healthy habits. Cooking knowledge and skills enable early care and education professionals to provide healthy, low-cost options for children, to engage in cooking activities with children, and to encourage healthy eating at home. This module introduces many hands-on activities to help improve skills in planning and preparing meals for children. (K7.3 C1, CDA2) 2 hours
- Food Safety in Child Care: From Prep to Cleanup
Providing healthy and safe food in child care is a key role for both center and home-based child care practitioners. Preventing foodborne illness (FBI), and making sure children are safe from choking risks and other food-related injuries, requires awareness and planning. This lesson describes guidelines for food safety practices that will enable child care providers to make food healthy and safe for the children in their care. (K7.14 C1, CDA 1) 2 hours
- Get Outdoors. Explore.
Research documents the benefits of playing, learning, and simply being outdoors. National and international movements encourage more time in nature. However, this can be challenging for early care professionals. In this lesson, adult facilitators view examples of rural, suburban, and urban programs that support outdoor fun. Grow in confidence, understanding and capacity to support best practices in outdoor play for birth to school-age children. (K7.3 C2 CDA2) 2 hours
- Go Healthy! It All Begins With You
Child care practitioners are important role models for the children in their care. The phrase "actions speak louder than words" is especially true for children since they watch and imitate what adults are doing. Being a healthy role model not only is important for the children but enables the care provider to have the energy and good health to meet the demands of the job. This lesson explores key concepts and actions for modeling healthy behaviors for children. (K7.3 C2 CDA 1) 2 hours
- Healthy and Hunger Free Children: Resources for Families
Even in the United States where there seems to be an abundance of food and easy access to it, the reality is that 47 percent of children under the age of three are in low income families and one in four live in poverty. Children in poverty are almost five times more likely to have poorer health than their peers who are in families with higher income levels. This lesson explores the federal nutrition programs that provide important food and education resources for families in need. (K7.13 C1 CDA2) 2 hours
- I Am Moving, I Am Learning – Active Play Every Day!
This lesson explores the importance of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in order to promote healthy habits in children. Research indicates that 25% of children do not get MVPA during their regular day. For happier, healthier, and stronger children, plus to maintain healthy body weight, discover ways to encourage children to get moving, and be physically active. This lesson reflects the goals and practices of the “I Am Moving, I Am Learning” (IMIL) approach. (K2.4 C1, CDA1) 2 hours
- I Am Moving, I Am Learning – Take It Outside!
This lesson explores the importance of outdoor time and outdoor play in order to promote healthy habits in children. Research shows that children today spend less time playing outdoors than any previous generation. For happier, healthier, and stronger children, plus to maintain healthy body weight, discover ways to encourage them to get outside, get moving, and connect with the natural world. This lesson reflects the goals and practices of the “I Am Moving, I Am Learning” (IMIL) project. (K2.4 C1, CDA2) 2 hours
- Nutrition Links: A Food and Nutrition Program for Low-income Families (PA residents only)
Eating healthy on a budget can be a significant challenge for many families. Nutrition Links is a program offered through Penn State Extension that provides evidence-based nutrition education for low-income families. Hands-on cooking opportunities along with practical strategies help families make better nutrition and health decisions. Child care providers can host Nutrition Links programs as a valuable family engagement opportunity that can encourage healthy practices at home and in the child care setting. (K7.3 C2 CDA2) 2 hours
- Smart from the Start: Teacher Training for Pre-K Wellness Curriculum
Smart from the Start is a health and wellness curriculum developed by Discovery Education in partnership with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation and is designed to teach young children healthy eating and physical activity habits. This free curriculum and supporting resources provide activities including parent engagement. Learn about the concept of balancing healthy food and physical activity for preschoolers and best practice strategies for implementation within a variety of early care and education settings. (K7.3 C2 CDA2 ) 2 hours
- Supporting Families in Healthy Living
Work, family, activities – life is full and it is challenging to balance all of that with choices that lead to good health. This lesson examines ways child care providers can support these efforts and offers practical ideas for ways to encourage families to make healthier choices now to increase the potential for good health in the future. (K7.3 C2, CDA 4) 2 hours
More Resources
Visit our Homes and Communities page to access additional 5-2-1-0 resources.