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S01.1 – Manage background noise level
Projects meet at least one of the following requirements to address background noise levels:

  1. An architectural drawing is provided that indicates the projected background noise level (dBA or NC) attributable to HVAC equipment noise, external noise intrusion or a similar source (e.g., a floor plan is color-coded to indicate dBA levels between regularly occupied spaces or across façade elements).
  2. A professional narrative is provided that indicates the measured background noise level (dBA or NC) attributable to HVAC equipment noise, external noise intrusion or a similar source in each space as denoted in Feature S02: Maximum Noise Levels.


S01.2 – Manage acoustical privacy
Projects meet at least one of the following requirements to address acoustical privacy:

  1. An architectural drawing is provided that indicates the projected acoustical performance of typical walls that separate regularly occupied spaces throughout the project (e.g., STC/Rw, NIC/Dw or equivalent sound transmission metrics denoted on a partition schedule from an architectural drawing set).
  2. A professional narrative is provided that indicates the measured level of acoustical privacy between regularly occupied spaces or within open workspace environments (e.g., NIC/Dw (or equivalent) or SPP data across partitions).


S01.3 – Label acoustic zones
The following zones are identified and labeled on the project floor plan:

  1. Loud zones: includes areas intended for appliances, mechanical equipment or amenities (e.g., kitchens, fitness rooms, social spaces, recreational rooms).
  2. Quiet zones: includes areas intended for focused work, wellness, rest, study and/or privacy.
  3. Mixed zones: includes areas intended for learning, collaboration and/or presentation.


S02.1 – Limit background noise levels
The following is achieved:

Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Open Workspaces, Dining Areas Enclosed Offices, Residential Living & Sleeping Areas (Daytime) Conference Rooms, Classrooms, Residential Sleeping Areas (Nighttime) Points
Average SPL (Leq) dBA 45 40 35 3
dBC 70 65 60
Max SPL (LMax) dBA 55 50 45
dBC 80 75 70
Average SPL (Leq) dBA 50 45 40 2
dBC 75 70 65
Max SPL (LMax) dBA 60 55 50
dBC 85 80 75
Average SPL (Leq) dBA 55 50 45 1
dBC 80 75 70
  1. Background noise levels do not exceed the thresholds below:


S03.1 – Ensure adequate wall construction
The following is achieved:

Source Room Receiving Room Minimum SPP
Enclosed Offices Enclosed Offices 75
Conference Rooms 80
Open Offices 70
Conference Rooms Enclosed Offices 85
Conference Rooms 80
Open Offices 70
Enclosed Quiet Zones (identified through S01: Sound Mapping, Part 3: Label Acoustic Zones) 75
  1. In the spaces listed below, the sum of the background noise level (NC or NR) and sound insulation across a partition (NIC or Dw) meets the minimum SPP ratings listed in the table:


S03.2 – Ensure proper door specifications
Doors which connect private offices, conference rooms, classrooms and dwelling units to other spaces are constructed with two of the following requirements:

  1. Minimum STC-30 acoustical performance.
  2. Gaskets at the head and jambs.
  3. Automatic drop seal or sweep at base.
  4. A non-hollow core door.


S04.1 – Meet thresholds for reverberation time
The following is achieved:

  1. Spaces meet the maximum RT(60) thresholds in the table below:
Room Type Size RT(60) (seconds)
Conference rooms N/A ≤ 0.6
Classrooms < 280 m³ [10,000 ft³] ≤ 0.6
Between 280 m³ [10,000 ft³] and 570m³ [20,000 ft³] 0.5 to 0.8
> 570 m³ [20,000 ft³] 0.6 to 1.0
Lecture halls < 280 m³ [10,000 ft³] ≤ 0.7
Between 280 m³ [10,000 ft³] and 570m³ [20,000 ft³] 0.6 to 0.9
> 570 m³ [20,000 ft³] 0.7 to 1.3
Music rehearsal spaces < 280 m³ [10,000 ft³] ≤ 1.1
Between 280 m³ [10,000 ft³] and 570m³ [20,000 ft³] 1.0 to 1.4
Fitness facilities < 280 m³ [10,000 ft³] 0.7 to 0.8
Between 280 m³ [10,000 ft³] and 570m³ [20,000 ft³] 0.8 to 1.1
> 570 m³ [20,000 ft³] 1.0 to 1.8


S04.2 – Implement sound reducing ceilings
Spaces have ceiling finishes that meet the following specifications:

  1. Ceiling treatment meets the minimum NRC/ αw values described below:
Space Type NRC/ αw
Open Workspaces
Enclosed Offices
Dining Spaces
0.7 for at least 75% of available ceiling area
Conference Rooms
0.7 for at least 50% of available ceiling area


S04.3 – Implement sound reducing vertical surfaces
Spaces have wall finishes that meet the following requirement:

  1. Wall treatments meet the minimum NRC/αw values described below:
Space Type NRC/ αw
Enclosed offices
Dining spaces
0.7 for at least 25% of at least one wall
Conference rooms
0.7 for at least 25% of at least two walls


S05.1 – Implement sound masking
Sound masking is provided in all of the following spaces and sound levels meet the following requirements when measured from the nearest workstation:

  1. Open offices, libraries, cafeterias, corridors/hallways: 45 - 48 dBA.
  2. Enclosed offices and quiet zones identified through S01: Sound Mapping, Part 3: Label Acoustic Zones: 40 - 42 dBA.

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