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V01.1 — Design Active Buildings and Communities
Achieve at least one point in one of the following features:

  1. Feature V03: Movement Network and Circulation.
  2. Feature V04: Active Commuter and Occupant Support.
  3. Feature V05: Site Planning and Selection.
  4. Feature V08: Physical Activity Spaces and Equipment.
  5. Feature V09: Exterior Active Design.


V02.1 — Support for Visual Ergonomics
Desktop computer-based workstations:
All desktop computer monitors can be adjusted by height and horizontal distance from the user through one or more of the following:

  1. Monitors with built-in height adjustment.
  2. Height-adjustable stands.
  3. Mounted, adjustable arms that hold primary or additional screens.

Laptop computer-based workstations:
All laptop screens can be adjusted by height and horizontal distance from the user through some combination of the following:


  1. Height-adjustable stands used to raise the laptop screen paired with an external keyboard and mouse that are placed on the work surface.
  2. Additional monitors provided with one of the following adjustability features:
    1. Built-in height adjustment.
    2. Height-adjustable stands.
    3. Mounted, adjustable arms that hold primary or additional screens.


V02.2 — Ensure Desk Height Flexibility
For at least 25% of seated-height workstations, employees have the ability to alternate between sitting or standing through one of the following:

  1. Adjustable height sit-to-stand desks.
  2. Desktop height-adjustment stands.


V02.3 — Ensure Seat Flexibility
All seating at workstations for employees meets the following adjustability requirements in compliance with the HFES 100-2007 standard or BIFMA G1-2013 guidelines:

  1. Chair height.
  2. Seat depth.
  3. One additional adjustability requirement:
    1. Seat angle.
    2. Backrest angle.
    3. Arm rests.


V02.4 — Provide Standing Support
All workstations in which employees are regularly required to stand for 50% or more of their working hours include recessed toe space at least 4 in in both depth and height, and one of the following:

  1. A footrest or foot rail to allow employees to alternate resting feet or a seat or leaning chair that allows occupants to alternate between standing and sitting or leaning.
  2. Anti-fatigue mats or cushions that are also anti-slip and anti-trip.


V02.5 — Provide Ergonomics Education
Projects provide education that is appropriate for employees, workstations and type of work being conducted in the space. At a minimum, topics include:

  1. Information on how to recognize risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic issues in the work environment relevant to the project.
  2. Information on how to recognize signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders relevant to the type of work conducted in the project space.
  3. Information on the reporting processes for risk factors and musculoskeletal disorders.
  4. Information on how to adjust ergonomic furnishings (e.g., seating) and workstations (e.g., height adjustment stands) provided by the project team.
  5. Information on the process for employees to request ergonomic furnishings (as applicable).
  6. Information on proper posture and/or form (e.g., proper posture while seated, standing, lifting, bending).


V03.1 — Design Aesthetic Circulation Network
Hallways within the project boundary are aesthetically designed through the inclusion of at least two of the following per floor:

  1. Music.
  2. Artwork.
  3. Light levels of at least 215 lux when in use.
  4. Views of an interior atrium, courtyard or daylight via windows or skylights.
  5. Natural design elements (e.g., plants, water features, images of nature).
  6. Gamification.

At least one staircase or other active path between floors (e.g., ramps) is open to regular building occupants, services all floors of the project and is and aesthetically designed through the inclusion of at least two of the following per floor:


  1. Music.
  2. Artwork.
  3. Light levels of at least 215 lux when in use.
  4. Views of an interior atrium, courtyard or daylight via windows or skylights.
  5. Natural design elements (e.g., plants, water features, images of nature).
  6. Gamification


V03.2 — Integrate Point-of-Decision Signage
Projects implement point-of-decision signage that encourages stair use at each of the following locations within the project boundary (minimum of one sign per location):

  1. Elevator banks or other modes of motorized vertical circulation (e.g., escalators).
  2. Base of stairs/stairwells and re-entry points at each floor.
  3. Junctions in corridors that lead to either a stairwell open to regular building occupants or an elevator bank (or other modes of motorized vertical circulation).


V03.3 — Promote Visible Stairs
At least one staircase or other path between floors (e.g., ramps) meets the following requirements:

  1. Open to regular building occupants.
  2. Services all floors of the project.
  3. Located physically and/or visibly before any motorized vertical circulation (e.g., elevator or escalator), as measured from the main point of entry to the project or building.


V04.1 — Provide Bicycle Storage
Choose between the following:
Bike parking infrastructure:
The following requirements are met:

  1. Short-term bicycle parking is located within 100 ft walk distance of the main building entrance and can accommodate at least 2.5% of peak visitors (minimum of four spaces per building).
  2. Long-term bicycle parking is located within 100 ft walk distance of the main building entrance and can accommodate at least 5% of regular building occupants (minimum of four spaces per building).
  3. Basic bicycle maintenance tools, including tire pumps, patch kits and hex keys, are provided on-site.

Bike parking policy:
The following requirements are met:


  1. Bicycles are allowed in tenant spaces. In multi-floor buildings, building occupants and visitors are able to utilize elevators or freight elevators to transport bicycles between floors.
  2. Basic bicycle maintenance tools, including tire pumps, patch kits and hex keys, are provided on-site.


V04.2 — Provide Facilities for Active Occupants
Projects provide the following:

  1. One on-site shower and changing room for the first 100 regular building occupants (excluding all early childhood education and primary school students) and an additional shower and changing facility for every 150 additional regular building occupants (excluding all early childhood education and primary school students).
  2. One on-site locker for every five regular building occupants or evidence that the lockers provided exceed demand by at least 20%.


V05.1 — Select Sites with Diverse Uses
The following requirement is met:

  1. The project is located within 0.25 mi walk distance of at least eight existing use types. Uses and restrictions are defined in Appendix V2.


V05.2 — Select Sites with Access to Mass Transit
One of the following requirements is met:

  1. The project is located in an area (zip or postal code) with a minimum Transit Score® of 70.
  2. The project is located in a community where mass transportation is present and offers a minimum of 72 trips per weekday and 40 trips per weekend day with service stations within:
    1. 0.25 mi walk distance of the project boundary for bus or streetcar.
    2. 0.5 mi walk distance of the project boundary for bus rapid transit stops, light or heavy rail stations, commuter rail stations or ferry services.


V05.3 — Select Sites with Pedestrian Friendly Streets
One of the following requirements is met:

  1. The project is located in an area (zip or postal code) with a minimum Walk Score® of 70.
  2. 90% of total street length within a 0.5 mi radius of the project boundary has continuous sidewalks or all-weather pathways present on both sides.


V05.4 — Select Sites with Bike Friendly Streets
One of the following requirements is met:

  1. The project is located in an area (zip or postal code) with a minimum Bike Score® of 70.
  2. The project is located within 656 ft walk distance of an existing bicycle network that connects riders to at least 10 use types that are within a 3 mi cycling distance. Uses and restrictions are defined in Appendix V2.


V06.1 — Implement Activity Programs for Employees
The following requirements are met:

  1. Age and ability appropriate physical activity/exercise opportunities, led by a qualified professional, are offered to eligible employees at no cost at one of the frequencies shown in the table below:


Frequency Points
At least one event per month 1
At least one event per week 2


V06.2 — Implement Activity Programs for Students
The following requirements are met:

Frequency Points
≥ 180 minutes per week 1
≥ 60 minutes per day 2
  1. Meet one of the frequency requirements in the table below for physical activity opportunities (e.g., recess, physical education curriculum, before or after school programming):

  2. Have policies in place that stipulate physical activity opportunities are not to be withheld as a form of punishment.


V07.1 — Provide Active Workstations
Sit-stand workstations:
Sit-stand workstations are available to all employees and present in quantities described in the table below and may include the following types:

  1. Manual or electric adjustable height workstation.
  2. Seated-height workstations with a manual or electric height-adjustable desktop stand.


Sit-Stand Desks Points
At least 50% of workstations 1
At least 75% of workstations 2

Dynamic workstations:
Dynamic workstations are available to all employees and present in sufficient quantities such that at least 3% of employees could reserve or use them at any time and may include the following types:


  1. Treadmill desk.
  2. Bicycle desk.
  3. Portable furnishings (e.g. stepper machine, balance board).


V08.1 — Provide Dedicated Activity Spaces
The following is made available to employees at no cost:

  1. A dedicated physical activity space that is at least 4,000 ft2 or 200 ft² plus 1 ft² per employee.


V08.2 — Provide Physical Activity Equipment
The following requirements are met:

  1. At least one type of age and ability appropriate equipment from each of the following categories, accompanied by instructions for safe use, is made available to employees, students or residents (as applicable) at no cost:
    1. Cardiorespiratory equipment.
    2. Muscle-strengthening equipment.
  2. Total units for each category should allow for use by at least 1% of employees, students or residents (as applicable) at any given time.


V08.3 — Provide Off-Site Activity Spaces
At least one of the following is available at no cost to employees or residents (as applicable) within 0.5 mi walk distance of the project boundary and is available for use at least 75% of the year:

  1. A green space.
  2. Recreational field or court.
  3. A gym, fitness center or similar facility.
  4. A walking, hiking or biking trail.
  5. Outdoor fitness zone that includes all-weather fitness equipment.
  6. A play space geared toward children (e.g., a playground) that meets design requirements outlined by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (Appendix V4).


V09.1 — Integrate Active Facades
The following requirements are met:

  1. The building's street-facing façades include no more than 50 ft or 40% (linear distance) of blank space along the street level, achieved by incorporating at least one of the following design elements:
    1. Street-level windows, which allow visibility into the space.
    2. Window display cases.
    3. Murals or other artistic installations.
    4. Biophilic and other landscape elements.
    5. Mixed building textures, colors and/or other design elements.


V09.2 — Provide On-Site Pedestrian Destinations
Projects provide at least two of the following within the WELL project boundary:

  1. An outdoor plaza or similar open-air space that can be used year-round and contains seating and biophilic elements, provides access to daylight and is supported with wayfinding signage.
  2. A fountain or water feature.
  3. A walking path or trail supported with wayfinding signage.
  4. A drinking fountain or water refilling station.
  5. Trees, planters and/or other landscaped elements.
  6. Artistic installations.


V10.1 — Utilize Ergonomic Consultation
At least twice per year, a certified ergonomist or an individual with a professional degree in human factors/ergonomics (or equivalent) offers the following services to all employees:

  1. An audit of existing ergonomic conditions in the space, including workstations, furnishings, work areas and existing policies.
  2. On-site adjustments to existing furnishings at occupant request and/or on-site training for staff on how to adjust workstation furnishings.


V11.1 — Promote Physical Activity
Employee Programs:
Projects provide at least two of the following physical activity incentives for all eligible employees:

  1. Financial rewards including direct payments or subsidies, gift cards or prizes.
  2. Tax-exempt payroll deductions related to active transportation, mass transportation or other types of physical activity opportunities (e.g., gym membership).
  3. Bike share memberships, gym memberships, fitness classes or other types of opportunities (e.g., races, sports teams or training) that are offered at no cost or subsidized by at least 50%.
  4. Healthcare bonuses (e.g., additional coverage for health programs or lower co-pays and/or premiums).
  5. Paid time off (at least one eight-hour day per quarter).
  6. Flexible scheduling to accommodate physical activity that is not deducted from paid time off.
  7. Other non-monetary awards or programs (e.g., employee recognition, wellness challenges or similar activities).


V11.2 — Promote Participation Awareness
The following requirement is met:

  1. Projects maintain awareness of engagement in physical activity promotion programs and report anonymized monthly averages submitted annually through WELL Online.


V12.1 — Provide Self-Monitoring Tools
Wearables are made available to all eligible employees and meet the following requirements:

  1. Are provided for personal use at no cost or are subsidized by at least 50%.
  2. Aggregate data via the device’s central platform, allowing individuals to monitor their own metrics over time.
  3. Measure at least two of the following physical activity metrics:
    1. Steps.
    2. Active minutes and/or intensity.
    3. Distance.
    4. Activity types.
    5. Floors climbed.

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