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Phipps, its university partners and the scientists it supports through the Botany in Action and Science Communication Fellowship programs are contributing original research to conferences and journals. Below is an index of their publications to date.

Ecological Health and Wellness
Human Health and Wellness
Education and Social Justice
Communication and Outreach
All Publications

The cultural significance of the habitat Mañaco Taco to the Maijuna of the Peruvian Amazon
Michael P. Gilmore
Landscape Ethnoecology – Concepts of Biotic and Physical Space (2015)

The Maijuna: past, present, and future
Michael P. Gilmore
Peru: Maijuna (The Field Museum, Chicago) (2014)

Heterogeneity in NTFP quality, access and management shape benefit distribution in an Amazonian extractive reserve
Vivian Zeidemann
Environmental Conservation (2014)

Growing Up in The City: A Book About Green Roofs
Kelly Ksiazek
Greening UP the City (2014)

Value chain dynamics of an emerging palm fiber handicraft market in Maranhão, Brazil
Arika Virapongse
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods (2014)

The Spatial Politics of Affect and Emotion in Participatory GIS
Michael P. Gilmore
Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2013)

The Use of Participatory Mapping in Ethnobiological Research, Biocultural Conservation, and Community Empowerment: A Case Study From the Peruvian Amazon
Michael P. Gilmore
Journal of Ethnobiology (2012)

The use, construction, and importance of canoes among the Maijuna of the Peruvian Amazon
Michael P. Gilmore
Economic Botany (2012)

From Researcher to Partner: Ethical Challenges and Issues Facing Ethnobiological Researchers
Michael P. Gilmore
Ethnobiology (2011)

A Comparative Assessment of Zootherapeutic Remedies From Selected Areas in Albania, Italy, Spain and Nepal
Cassandra L. Quave
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2010)

Dermatological remedies in the traditional pharmacopoeia of Vulture-Alto Bradano, inland southern Italy
Cassandra L. Quave
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2008)