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Indoor Air Quality and Health

Linda Wigington | ROCIS Team Leader, ROCIS Pittsburgh

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Find out what has been learned from low cost particle monitoring of 300 homes in southwest PA through the ROCIS Low Cost Monitoring Project. Building operation, occupant behavior and technical interventions can have a significant impact on indoor particle pollution. The median particle level (<0.5 µm) in different homes varies by a factor of twenty. Explore strategies to reduce intrusion of outdoor pollutants into homes, as well as options to address indoor generated sources. Recommendations for central and zoned filtration will be summarized. 

Speaker Bios and Abstracts

About the Speaker

Linda Wigington provides indoor air quality and residential energy consulting services through her firm, Linda Wigington & Associates. She brings 30 years of building performance experience to her role as leader of the Pittsburgh, PA-based ROCIS (Reducing Outdoor Contaminants in Indoor Spaces) initiative, funded by The Heinz Endowments. Her focus is on low cost monitoring of air quality, and refining interventions that substantially reduce particle counts, whether they are from outdoor or indoor sources. To date, 42 cohorts have engaged 300 people in monitoring particles (0.5+ and 2.5+ um), CO2, CO, and radon in their homes or workplaces for a three-week period. Over 40 homes have participated in longer term monitoring to gain insight on the impact of filtration strategies, kitchen exhaust hoods, and radon mitigation. Linda received her master’s degree from WVU’s Program for the Study of Technology. Her focus of study was community education and residential energy efficiency.