Slow Food Pittsburgh

Rosemarie Perla, M.S., M.A., P.C.C. | Steering Committee Member, Slow Food Pittsburgh

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Imagine exploring the beautiful, historic sites of Rome and all of a sudden coming across a McDonald's sign. It may come as a surprise that fast food has wormed its way into one of the most culturally rich locations in the world. Italian journalist Carlo Petrini felt this same sense of surprise, which prompted him to found the Slow Food movement. Slow Food promotes food as a common language and a universal right, envisioning a world where people can access quality food, clean food, and food that is equitably sourced. As an organization, they aim to preserve biodiversity in food and promote taste education and international events. With chapters all around the world, Slow Food has come to Pittsburgh to collaborate with sustainably-minded partners and host taste education events and social nights.

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About the Speakers

About the Speaker

Rosemarie Perla, a professional coach and licensed psychologist, is president of the Perla Group – Coaching & Consulting (www.PerlaCoaching.com). Her company works with executive Leaders on positively impacting the 21st century changing and diverse work places. She is a member of the Steering Committee of Slow Food Pittsburgh and an active promoter of clean, fair and good food for all. She received her bachelor of science degree from Carlow University and has two master’s degrees: a master of science from the University of Pittsburgh in child and adult development studies and a master of art from the Maryland University of Integrated Health in Transformative Leadership. She received the designation of a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation.