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Changing the Climate Conversation

Montana Burgess | Executive Director of Neighbours United

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Climate change and energy are polarizing topics, especially outside of progressive urban centers. Yale Program on Climate Change Communication’s Six Americas research shows about 47% of Americans are on the fence about the seriousness of global warming. These people could be more supportive of more government action on climate change, but aren’t yet convinced or engaged. Neighbours United used the deep canvassing method, developed in California to win on marriage equality, to help more than 1 in 3 people in a heavy-industry company town in British Columbia resolve their internal conflict, and shift their beliefs and behaviours to support more government action on climate change. This complete volunteer-based deep canvassing program was based in listening, compassion, empathy and story sharing and had 1181 conversations that resulted in 40% of people becoming more supportive of government climate action.

Speaker Bios and Abstracts

About the Speaker

Montana Burgess is the Executive Director of Neighbours United, based on the unceded territory of the Sinixt Peoples in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Montana is a queer settler and parent. She has 15 years of experience in the climate, energy, and environmental non-profit sector in BC, Canada, and internationally, including coordinating civil society at 25+ UN climate conferences. Montana holds a bachelor of science in biology and believes environmental crises are not environmental problems, but rather human problems. By organizing and focusing on listening to and communicating with the undecided and unsupportive public, not just the environmental choir, she has hope that we will avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis. Neighbours United is the first group in Canada to use “deep canvassing,” a transformational method developed in the US, and the only method proven to persuade voters and overcome prejudice. They are the first group to run a complete deep canvassing volunteer program on climate and energy. Montana received a 2022 Emerging Leader Award and Top Project Award from Canada’s Clean50.