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Welcome to the Sea Creature Gallery, where the creatures you make come to introduce themselves!

Here at the gallery, all the creatures you've sent to Phipps through our Create Your Own Sea Creature event get a chance to say hello and show off their unique features. Scroll down to see all the drawings we've received! 


Created by Eliza, Age 6

"This is Rosa, a magical Mermaid. Her favorite color is pink and she loves underwater soccer (using a seaweed ball)."


Created by Nico, Age 6

"Galaxy is a Moon Whale who likes to snack on space apples and play soccer. His favorite color is black."


Created by Liby, Age 9

"Izzy is a Dolphin, who likes to snack on fish and squid. Her favorite color is teal."

Monster of the Sea 

Created by Clark, Age 6

"Creature name: Monster of the Sea; Favorite Snack is cookies; Favorite color is green. He likes helping out."

Created by Arthur, Age 8

"It is a coral reef. It has a lot of animals."


Created by Jack, Age 6

"Tentacles, the sea creature, only comes out on the full moon."


Created by Emmett, Age 12

"My creature's name is Squackto! He is a squid whose favorite color is red and whose favorite snack is shrimp. Squackto absolutely LOVES bubbles."


Created by Maya, Age 5

"Ariel the mermaid, her favorite snack is crackers, and favorite color is purple. She lives in the sea."


Created by Adelaide, Age 7

"My creature’s name is Leary. She is a mermaid. Her favorite snack is seaweed. Her favorite color is teal. Where she lives?: Mermaid castle. Who does she live with?: her dad and her five sisters and her mom. Her best friends?: Ariel."


Created by Panda, Age 12

"Panda lives on land but dives in the kelp forest for fun. It feels like a bamboo forest under the water."

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