NOTE: During the week of April 14 – 20, we strongly recommend advance ticket reservation, as some time slots will sell out. Get your tickets today.



Welcome Lorren Kezmoh, Science Education Outreach Coordinator!
May 15

Welcome Lorren Kezmoh, Science Education Outreach Coordinator!

By Phipps Science Education and Research

We are very pleased to welcome the newest member of the Science Education and Research team, Lorren Kezmoh! Lorren has been a part of Phipps guest services department for two years, and is now working full-time with our department as our Science Education and Outreach Coordinator.

As the Outreach Coordinator for the Science Education and Research department at Phipps, Lorren oversees all outreach activities for the department; manages science engagement programing; maintains communications between research collaborators and other organizations; and writes and edits the Science Education and Research blog. She has over ten years of research experience and specializes in marine mammal sensory systems and behavioral ecology. She is particularly interested in sensory biology, conservation, animal behavior, and ecology.

Prior to coming to Phipps, Lorren conducted research at the University of Maryland Baltimore County in Baltimore, MD on the visual capabilities and foraging behaviors of the North Atlantic right whale, and also assisted with research and enrichment conducted with the bottlenose dolphin collection at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. She has also assisted with the conduction of research on minke whale population distributions and humpback whale migratory routes at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle, WA. Lorren has also conducted a vast amount of research on the visual system and behavior of the Amazon River dolphin, and worked extensively with the last river dolphin to be held in captivity in the United States at the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium in Pittsburgh, PA.

Lorren holds a master’s degree in biology from Chatham University in Pittsburgh, PA. and a bachelor of science in biology with a minor in psychology from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. She is an active member of the Marine Technology Society, Society for Marine Mammalogy, Professional Association of Dive Instructors, Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and American Public Gardens Association.

Please join us in welcoming Lorren to our team!

The above photo taken by Phipps staff.