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Volunteer Spotlight: Michelle Adamsky
Oct 05

Volunteer Spotlight: Michelle Adamsky

By Genesis Harshell

Phipps is well-known for our beautiful gardens, seasonal flower shows, pioneering sustainability initiatives, informative educational programs and community outreach. None of our work, however, would be possible without the knowledge and dedication of our volunteers. In this series of profiles, we meet some of the people who give their time to make Phipps possible.

Michelle Adamasky who currently works as a florist, has been around plants for as long as she can remember stating, “I don’t have memories without plants.” While her love for plants started at a very young age in her parent’s garden or journeying through the woods, a passion for plants was nothing new to Michelle’s family. Growing up in a home that has been passed down her family for generations, with almost one hundred years of the family consistently tending to plants, this love for greenery was basically genetic!

Although she is a lover of baking, photography and travel Michelle simply states that, “My life is plants.” So it came as no surprise when this family of botanists, farmers and certified master gardeners had all inspired Michelle to become a master gardener herself! When the time came to find the right place to pursue this program, Phipps was her first choice. She states, “I feel like nature is the ultimate unifier because we all experience it, so that is what drew me to Phipps was specifically the volunteer aspect of it.”

With the hope of giving back to the community that share her love of plants, Michelle has been around the volunteer scene at Phipps as a consistent helping hand since 2020. In this time, she has participated in many events, like our annual Seed Swap, Native Plant Sale and Dr. Phipps tabling, where she can help the public through direct communication!

When asked what her favorite part of volunteering at Phipps was, Michelle responded, “Meeting people and talking about plants. It sounds so redundant because that has been mentioned for a lot of this but really, it’s talking to people about plants and gardening and meeting people that fills my cup. I’m an introvert by nature but when I can talk to people about something I am passionate about and they’re passionate about, it makes it so much easier.” Michelle is always ready to talk all things plants with everyone who comes to Phipps!

Photo © Paul g. Wiegman