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The Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: Challenge #6
Apr 22

The Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: Challenge #6

By Sahar Arbab

Challenge #6: Environmental Action

Summer is just around the corner, but hold on just a moment because we have one more challenge left in the 2015-2016 Fairchild Challenge! We have been so impressed by the creative entries that we have received this year and we cannot wait to see what is in store for the last one. Our final challenge of the year is, “Environmental Action: Home, School, or Community.”

In this challenge, we are asking that your team involve as many students from your school as possible to help promote environmental awareness and conservation.

We encourage you to complete one or more environmental action projects in ONE of the three following target areas: home, school, or community. If you have not started this challenge yet, think about an audience that you want to engage in environmental awareness activities, and then start brainstorming! Check out the challenge descriptions on our website for some more specific ideas.

Projects will be evaluated on how well they were initiated, implemented and sustained. Remember that even small initiatives can produce great change. This is your chance to inspire your peers, families, and neighbors to take positive actions for our environment!

Middle School entries are due at Phipps by Friday, April 29

High School Entries are due at Phipps by Tuesday, May 3

Entry Requirements:

  • A tri-fold display or written report that documents your school’s efforts (limit report to a maximum of 5 double-sided or 10 single-sided , 8.5” x 11” pages).
  • A list of the students and/or classes involved in the project.
  • Challenge entry form.

Good luck and we hope to see you at the Awards Ceremony in May!

Have questions? Contact Sahar Arbab at or 412-622-6915 x3905