
Riverview School District Replaces Basketballs with Fruits and Veggies
March is very well known for its brackets and basket balls, but did you know the month is also National Nutrition Month? Students at Verner Elementary School in Riverview School District will be replacing the basketballs with fruits and veggies as they take on a school-wide taste test of unique foods. Foods that typically don’t end up on the menu!
Kale, bok choy, star fruit and dragon fruit, will be showcased on the cafeteria line for the students to sample. Each student will then, in bracket style, vote for their favorite fresh, nutritional food to find out what produce they would like to see win the trophy! Eight items will be sampled in a week with the winner being decided the week after in a head-to-head match. Results from voting will be in by April 4!
In addition to the project, elementary students will have the opportunity to paint a pot. Then plant a flower in May to give to a caring adult in their lives as well as visit Phipps Conservatory to learn more about plants, pollinators and healthy eating.
Special thanks to Let’s Move Pittsburgh for financing the program. To Metz for preparing, serving and making, the event come to light. As well as thank you to the 7-12th grade Life Skills room for growing the vegetables and herbs used in the tasting.
Added thanks to Let’s Move Pittsburgh for helping the Life Skills classroom purchase ServSafe materials to learn how to handle food safely. Students will be taking their certification test in May to help them with career placement as they transition from high school.