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Phipps Welcomes This Summer’s High School Interns!
Jun 24

Phipps Welcomes This Summer’s High School Interns!

By Lorren Kezmoh, Outreach Coordinator, Phipps Science Education and Research

It may only be Wednesday, but this week has already been a very busy and exciting one for our 2015 Summer High School Interns! This year, Phipps was pleased to offer paid 'Learning for a Greener Future' internship opportunities to eight highly motivated high school students from Pittsburgh SciTech Academy, Pittsburgh Obama Academy, Woodland Hills High School, and Propel Andrew Street High School. During this six week long interniship at Phipps, students will investigate green careers in environmental science, horticulture, education, and communication; learn the science and art of plant care through working in the Conservatory's historic glasshouse and outdoor gardens; learn nature photography and environmental photojournalism skills; become informed about, and involved, in local and global environmental issues, and engage in sustainability-related advocacy through activities at Phipps and with local environmental groups; as well as much more.

To kick off the first week of their internship, our eight interns participated in a two-day videography workshop with filmmaker, Kirsi Jansa, where they learned how to utilize iPads and iMovie to capture their six week experience at Phipps and also planned and planted their own raised beds in the Conservatory's Edible Garden. But their week doesn't end there, the interns still have their first of five cooking workshops with members of Slow Food Pittsburgh to look forward to, as well as a nature photography and environmental photojournalism workshop with photographer/writer, Doug Oster.

And, this is just a taste of what our high school interns will be doing this summer here at Phipps!

Think you, or someone you know, might be interested in applying for one of our high school internships next year? Visit our website to learn more or email our High School Program Coordinator, Kate Borger for additional information.

Photographs taken by Lorren Kezmoh.