
PHCSE Opens New Community Garden
The Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship (PHCSE) is a K-8 public school in Pittsburgh, PA. We opened our doors in 2011 and have since grown to educate hundreds of students from more than 15 school districts throughout the Greater Pittsburgh region.
At PHCSE, students are educated in an innovative, hands-on, engaging curriculum of Entrepreneurial Education, which is aligned to Pennsylvania Common Core standards.
And now, PHCSE is flexing its entrepreneurial muscles with our new community garden. Our scholars have been busy developing the garden to increase community access to fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.
The purpose of the garden is two-fold. On one hand, it provides students and community members the satisfying agricultural experience of growing nutritional food, but it is also an opportunity for our students to utilize and share their entrepreneurial mindset and skills in a real-world enterprise.
Students and participants will soon be selling their produce at farmer’s markets hosted at PHCSE. This is the school’s effort to give back and bridge the gap between students and their community.