Meet Let’s Move Pittsburgh CDC Associate Kelly Regan
Dec 22

Meet Let’s Move Pittsburgh CDC Associate Kelly Regan

By Let's Move Pittsburgh

Let’s Move Pittsburgh had the pleasure to sit down with Kelly Regan and discuss her role as a CDC associate and how her work relates to Let’s Move Pittsburgh. Read on to learn about Kelly and what she plans to do during her time with us!

LMP: Tell us about your educational background.

Kelly: In May I graduated from the College of William and Mary with a bachelor’s of science in Kinesiology with a concentration in Public Health, and a minor in Biology. I have a background in maternal and early childhood health, and experience working in community outreach and with school health initiatives which focus on healthy diets and exercise in the classroom. I have worked with young children, the elderly population, and everything in between. I most enjoy working directly with community members, and hope to continue community health work in my career!

LMP: Explain your role as a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) associate and how your work relates to Phipps and Let’s Move Pittsburgh.

Kelly: As a Public Health Associate with the CDC, I have a unique position that balances the requirements of a federal government training program with the community health focus of Phipps and Let’s Move Pittsburgh. The CDC program includes weekly online trainings, a mentoring program, supervisor and self-evaluations, and bi-annual Atlanta-based training sessions. My primary role, however, is to work within the Let’s Move Pittsburgh program to contribute to and expand upon the existing initiatives and services that Let’s Move Pittsburgh has to offer. In the past few months, I have been mostly focused on creating curricula to be used in classrooms and after-school programs to get kids moving and learning about nutrition. 

LMP: How do you incorporate 5-2-1-0 into your life?

Kelly: I strive to live a healthy and active lifestyle by buying and preparing healthy meals and snacks, drinking lots of water, and by being physically active in some way every day of the week. Joining my neighborhood gym has really helped me to be more active. Even if I am only able to walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day, it’s something. I am still working on reducing my screen time. That will be my 2017 New Year’s resolution!

LMP: What is your favorite thing that you have experienced in Pittsburgh since moving here from Virginia?

Kelly: I have really enjoyed learning what my new community has to offer. I have met many friendly faces, been introduced to many delicious new restaurants and coffee shops, and have explored many beautiful parks and walking paths near my home. The people here really are friendly! Pittsburgh feels more like home every week I am here.

LMP: If you were a fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why?

Kelly: I would be a banana, because they are the perfect snack and my favorite color is yellow. ☺