
Meet a Scientist: Jennifer Broderick
As though the spectacular Winter Light Show wasn’t exciting enough, this Saturday from 1:30 – 3:30 pm, Phipps Conservatory is hosting Jennifer Broderick, PhD candidate from Duquesne University, as this month’s Meet A Scientist! Jennifer’s research focuses on tiger genomics, answering the question “what makes subspecies of tigers unique?” from a genetics perspective. She describes her work saying “{Subspecies of} tigers live in very different climates and habitats, which leads to differences in their DNA we can use to better understand them.”
Besides her enthusiasm for big cats, Jennifer also loves connecting the public to current scientific research. She says: “Science education is important because it allows us to better understand the world and solve problems. It lets us ask ‘why’, ‘how’, and ‘when’ in our daily lives. By better understanding science, we also have the ability to impact others in a meaningful way. Science impacts health and medicine, business, and all of the newly developing technology. The more people who know about science and new innovations, the more we can combat many of the problems we face today.”
If you’re interested in learning more about tigers and the cutting-edge field of genomics, be sure to stop by the Palm Circle in the Tropical Forest from 1:30 – 3:30 pm, this Saturday December 17. Jennifer will be waiting for you!
Select Photos: Wikimedia Commons Saket Chaudhari CC-BY-SA-4.0 and Nichollas Harrison CC-BY-SA-3.0