Let’s Move Pittsburgh’s Champion Schools Award Nominations Are Now Open!
Mar 02

Let’s Move Pittsburgh’s Champion Schools Award Nominations Are Now Open!

By Let's Move Pittsburgh

Let’s Move Pittsburgh, with support from The Heinz Endowments, is pleased to announce our 2019 Champion Schools Awards! We want to help licensed early childcare centers, pre-kindergarten and elementary schools in Allegheny County become the healthiest places for kids to learn and grow, and are excited to award funding to Champion Schools with new or existing programs geared towards children’s health and well-being

Let’s Move Pittsburgh will award up to 40 Champion Schools for programs that focus on one or more of the following areas:

Bag the Junk: Increase healthy food and nutrition education in schools 
Get Kids Moving: Increase physical activity in and out of schools
Teach Kids to Grow and Cook Food: Increase knowledge of how to grow and prepare healthy food among youth
Sustainable Citizenship: Expose students to a variety of environmental topics to make a great impact in the community

Click HERE to access the application. 

Who May Apply
Educators, administrators, students, food service directors, school nurses and/or parents on behalf of a licensed early childcare center, pre-kindergarten or elementary school in Allegheny County. Schools may receive one award per calendar year. Winners from previous years are eligible to apply for the 2019 awards.

Application Timeline
Applications are being accepted now through Fri., April 12, 2019.

More Information

Before beginning the application, please read the application guidelines to ensure that you have all required information at hand. Please direct any questions to Heather Shannon at hshannon@phipps.conservatory.org. Need some ideas? Check out last year's winners here

Want to receive recognition for your school district's efforts to promote health and wellness? Learn how to become a Live Well Allegheny School district by visiting the Live Well Allegheny website and reviewing their information handout.