
Last Week in Science Education Programming
Last Week in Science Education Programming is our weekly seasonal segment featuring education programming. This is the place for camp parents to find pictures of their campers in action and see all the fun things we did throughout the week. It’s also a great place for educators to pick up craft, story and lesson ideas for their own early childhood programs!
Last Monday, our 2-3 year old Little Sprouts explored fun ways to be active indoors in Let’s Move Little Sprouts, part of our Little Sprouts SEED programs. During this program, campers played a freeze dance game, created their own games with recycled materials, and joined together to play a game of volleyball with packaging balloons. Campers also decorated camp t-shirts, identified and sorted paper and plastic recycled materials and made a collage craft from recycled ribbons and fabrics. Join us every Monday for the Little Sprouts SEED Program.
Last Friday, we had our Family Night Upcycled Carnival! Campers played an upcycled basketball game, made box cars out of shoeboxes and raced them down a cardboard racetrack, and went on a night tour of the conservatory. We also made headbands out of recycled materials to take home!
If you would like to learn more about Phipps’ seasonal camps, or would like to register your little one for an upcoming program, please visit our website or call 412-441-4442, ext.3925 for more information!
All photographs taken by Phipps' Science Education and Research staff.