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In with the Interns: Green Careers, Summer Camps and Homegrown
Jul 19

In with the Interns: Green Careers, Summer Camps and Homegrown

By Antoine Hunter

From tending garden beds and arranging exhibit displays to whipping up their own unique culinary creations, our high school interns are keeping busy this summer here at Phipps! 'In with the Interns' is a segment featuring our 2016 high school interns; this segment will explore what they do, learn and experience this summer during their internship. This week we will hear from two of our interns as they describe what the best part of their internship has been so far.

The past few weeks have gone very quickly! We only have two weeks left in the summer 2016 internship. In addition to working hard to help out our horticulture staff, the teen interns have been busy working with our summer campers, giving tours, participating in workshops and assisting our Homegrown program at Phipps Garden Center. 

One of our annual workshops, the green career panel, allowed the interns to meet professionals from the Pittsburgh area that work to improve our communities and the environment. Check back next week to learn about our downtown field trip, in which the interns made natural bug spray from essential oils and removed invasive species from Frick Park. 

Our intern of the week is Antoine Hunter, Below, he shares his favorite aspects of the internship so far. 

Name: Antoine Hunter Jr.
School: Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf
Favorite Room at Phipps: Nature Lab
Theme of the Week:  Green Careers

Quote: “My favorite activity this week was eating the pasta that my peers and I made. I also love weeding, planting, and cooking with everyone.”