
In with the Interns: Desert Plants, Air Quality and More
From tending garden beds and arranging exhibit displays to whipping up their own unique culinary creations, our high school interns are keeping busy this summer here at Phipps! 'In with the Interns' is a segment featuring our 2016 high school interns; this segment will explore what they do, learn and experience this summer during their internship. This week we will hear from two of our interns as they describe what the best part of their internship has been so far.
Last week, the high school interns began shadowing Phipps’ talented horticulture staff. They learned all about the Desert Room, potted plants in the greenhouses and cared for the outdoor gardens. Each location allowed these motivated teens to gain new skills and learn about various aspects or horticulture, gardening, and landscaping. In addition to working hard throughout the Conservatory, the interns participated in various workshops focused on our region’s air quality. One activity involved testing air quality in and outside of the Conservatory and recording the results. Everyone seems to agree that the summer is going too fast!
Our intern of the week is Siobhan Robinson. She has shared her favorite part of the internship so far.
Name: Siobhan Robinson
School: Propel Andrew Street
Favorite Room at Phipps: Butterfly Forest
Theme of the Week: Air Quality
Quote: “My favorite part of the internship so far has been meeting the organic vendors at Phipps. This week, I learned more about air quality.”