
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.
Dr. Cleveland Steward Jr. Elementary School, affectionally referred to as CSE, takes great pride in providing a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages students’ self-efficacy, citizenship and respect for themselves and others. We accomplish this by incorporating our school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports into all that we do and by constantly affirming, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe, which teaches the students to have success in environments beyond the classroom.
Our school services students in kindergarten through fourth grade from the Monroeville and Pitcairn areas. The rich diversity that the students bring is acknowledged and celebrated daily. Family and community support is welcomed as we strive to create leaders of tomorrow who will shape a world that welcomes and values all.
Here at CSE, we are excitedly awaiting the arrival of our outdoor seating! We were able to purchase three log tables that will be used for outdoor learning and play, including hands-on science lessons as well as creative play during recess. Additionally, we will be decorating flowerpots to add color to our outdoor learning space. Every student in our school will have the opportunity to decorate a pot; some pots will go in the front of our school to welcome visitors in each day and others will be used in our outdoor classroom.
We encourage you to visit CSE and not only experience the magic that abounds, but to share with us the contributions that you can offer to further assure our success.