NOTE: During the week of April 14 – 20, we strongly recommend advance ticket reservation, as some time slots will sell out. Get your tickets today.



Game Ideas for a Virtual Playdate
Feb 23

Game Ideas for a Virtual Playdate

By Sarah Cullo, LMP Program Coordinator

Social Distancing is still the name of the game! But we have a year of experience, coming up with creative and clever ways to get active and be social. Most adults have become very comfortable with the Zoom meeting. You probably stay in touch with friends and family by setting up FaceTime or Zoom calls, too. If your little ones are part of those calls then you probably know how hard it is to keep them engaged and interested in a virtual call. We have some ideas for how to make and keep those calls interactive and engaging. Let these ideas be a starting point for you in bringing your life and your kiddos lives into a whole new realm of connecting with family and peers. You can set up story time with grandparents complete with all of the props! Host a virtual playdate that is truly interactive. Your child needs these relationships and connections, and you can get pretty close to making it all happen- virtually!


Click on the links below for some great ideas for fun and engaging virtual games!

1. Love it or Leave it 

Have the host share their screen. Each slide will have a different topic, have the kids vote on whether they love it or they want to leave it. 
For some added movement have the kids dance when they see something they love or hop back and forth if they want to leave it. 


2. Super Zoom 

  • Super Zoom will put your investigative abilities to the test! Grab your (imaginary!) magnifying glass and become a nature investigator! 
  • Each page will have an ultra magnified image, it is up to our nature investigators to figure out what each super zoomed in picture is!

3. Who Made that Noise?

  • This looks like another job for our nature investigators! This time we are going to need that super sharp hearing. 
  • Each new page will play a different sound, we need your help to figure out who made that noise!
  • Have the host share the slides on their screen. To play the mystery noise click on the microphone in the left hand corner of the slide.

4. Ocean Life Simon Says

  • Grab your scuba gear because we are playing this game of Simon Says at the bottom of the ocean!
  • Follow along with each movement from our favorite ocean creatures!