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Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: 2023-2024 Jackpot Media Challenge Winners Announced!
Feb 12

Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: 2023-2024 Jackpot Media Challenge Winners Announced!

By Alyssa Mulé, High School Programs Coordinator

Thank you to all the schools that submitted entries for our Jackpot Media Challenge! In this year’s challenge, “Intergenerational Interviews,” both middle and high school students submitted videos or written transcripts of interviews conducted to understand different generations' relationships with climate-related ideas, language, and challenges. In our rapidly changing world, discussions around climate change and related issues have become increastingly vital, but there are sometimes generational barriers that may appear challenging or intimidating when it comes to engaging in conversation around the topic. Students were tasked with considering how societal attitudes, technological advancements, and scientific knowledge have influenced generations difference, and to lead with empathy to find common ground. We were truly blown away but the students dedication to this challenge, allowing us to broaden our perspectives and learn more about how feelings around climate change have evolved over time. These amazing students truly went above and beyond  Their interviews were heartwarming and hardhitting, giving us a peak into how important it is to have conversations around difficult topics with the ones we care about, and show us just how much we can learn when we gain a new perspective. Congratulations to all of the incredibly creative, kind, and brilliant students who completed this challenge!

And the winners are:

Middle School

Pittsburgh Colfax: Violeta Isabel Alcala-Martinez

Watch their submission here!

High School

Woodland Hills High School: Owen Reeder, Lillian Divelbiss, Gretchen Van Deusen 

Watch their submission here!

We would like to give a special shout out to our panelists:  Lucy Klüg (Mobility Specialist at University of Pittsburgh), Heather Shannon (Phipps' Senior Manager of LMP and Special Programs), Anna Bagwell (Phipps' Part-Time Discovery Education Specialist), Kyle Groves (Environmental Scientist and Industrial Hygiene Technician at TD&H Engineering). Thank you for lending us your expertise!

Have questions? Alyssa Mulé at, 412-622-6915 ext.3905

Developed by the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Miami, Fl., and adopted by Phipps as a satellite partner in 2008, The Fairchild Challenge offers a menu of interdisciplinary challenges for grades 6 – 8 and grades 9 – 12, attracting students of diverse interests, abilities, talents and backgrounds. The Challenge empowers young people to engage in civic life and encourages them to become energetic and knowledgeable members of their communities.