
Cast Your Vote for Fairchild Challenge Videos
“Climate Change Hero”
Our Fairchild Challenge participants brought out their creative side in the optional challenge of the year, “Climate Change Hero.” In this challenge, we tasked students with creating videos that first explained the science behind climate change, second discussed why individuals should take action and third shared the story of a local individual, community, or organization working to take action to reduce problems associated with climate change.
The judges found that the best videos were scientifically accurate, provided an engaging storyline, were edited and filmed carefully, and left the viewer motivated to take action. This year we are putting the top videos up for a public vote to win The Patti Burns Prize for Excellence in Communication and Media. Check out our finalists below and vote on your favorite Climate Change Hero video! Votes must be cast by noon on Fri., April 14.
Middle School Finalists
Carson Middle School (Drew Lopuszynski, Erik Bloomquist, Nolan Collery, Eleanor Park, Anna Liu, Nina Georgieva, Samantha Podnar, Jason Pazin, Jessica Daninhirsch, Alyssa Maenza, Jack Lopuszynski, and Rohan Puri)
Woodland Hills Academy, (Annelise Hanson, Tommy Kristian and Ryan Powers)
Voting is now closed!
High School Finalists
Ringgold High School (Caitlin Painter and Sarah Good)
Penn-Trafford High School (Sabrina Catalano, Kate Polechko and Zoe Smith)
Central Catholic High School (Chris Duca)
Voting is now closed!
We would like to especially thank our judges from: Green Building Alliance, Phipps Conservatory, and documentary filmmakers of YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip and Yemanja: Wisdom from the African Heart of Brazil!
Have questions? Contact Emily Nye at or 412/622-6915, ext. 3905.
Developed by the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Miami, Fl., and adopted by Phipps as a satellite partner in 2008, The Fairchild Challenge offers a menu of interdisciplinary challenges for grades 6 – 8 and 9 – 12, attracting students of diverse interests, abilities, talents and backgrounds. The Challenge empowers young people to engage in civic life and encourages them to become energetic and knowledgeable members of their communities.