
Ask Ginger: Staying Active During the Winter Months
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Q: I find it difficult to keep my children active during the winter months due to the cold weather. We all usually prefer to stay warm inside and watch a movie or read a book. What are some things I can do to encourage my family to be active indoors this winter? (Michelle, Crafton)
A: Great question! Staying active in the winter months is difficult, especially during our frigid Pennsylvania winters! The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that children between the ages of 6 to 17 stay active for at least one hour per day. In addition, the CDC recommends that adults exercise for two and a half hours a week and have two of those days focus on muscle strengthening exercises.1 If it is too cold to be outside, here are some fun indoor activities for you and your family to do to get moving!
- Holiday Scavenger Hunt: Hide Holiday themed items around your house and have your children find them! Make a list so they can keep track of everything they’re looking for.
- Holiday Dance Party: Put on your favorite holiday songs and dance the night away!
- Obstacle Course: Set up an obstacle course in your living room made of furniture, pillows, blankets, etc. and have your children race through. Everyone loves a little competition!
- Simon Says: Play Simon Says to keep your children up and moving. You can even make it holiday themed with phrases like: Prance like a reindeer or spin like a dreidel.3
- Indoor Snowball Fight: No worries, no snow needed for this snowball fight! Crumple up old pieces of paper or yesterday’s newspaper and bring the fun inside.3
If you plan on braving the cold this winter, here are some tips for exercising outdoors:
- Wear layers! As your body warms up as you exercise take off a layer to regulate your body temperature.
- Cover your extremities, fingers, toes and ears, because they are most susceptible to frostbite.2
- Remember to wear a hat, you lose majority of your body head from your head.2
- Wear bright or reflective clothing if running during the evening. Winter time means it gets darker sooner in the evening, so be safe!2
- Always watch for ice to prevent injury from falling.
- Be sure to stretch out well before running or doing other strenuous exercises outside. If you don’t stretch out your muscles before braving the cold, you are more prone to muscle injuries.
Here are some other fun ideas for any season:
- Go to a museum, science center, botanical garden or zoo. It keeps the kids moving and also allows them to learn along the way!
- Take them roller skating or ice skating at a local rink.4
- Visit a bounce house or trampoline gym! They’re sure to love it.3
- Take advantage of your local YMCA or Recreation Center. With plenty of space to run around and various activities to do, there is fun to be had for everyone!
- Blow bubbles outside and chase them. If it’s cold enough outside the bubbles will freeze!3
Remember, winter is a great time for snowball fights, sled ridding, snow angels and building snowmen. Layer up and go outside to enjoy all the wonderful things the winter season has to offer!
1 Centers for Disease Control: Physical Activity Basics
2 American Osteopathic Association: Staying Active in the Cold
3 Indoor Activities to Keep Kids Active
4 Active Cities Pittsburgh: Ice Skating and Rolling Skating