
Nov 11
Active Apple Picking
Apple picking is a fall tradition for some, and a grocery trip for others. Whether you love visiting an orchard or prefer picking up red delicious from the store, here are a few ways to get active with apples, and we aren’t talking about the phones.
- Apple toss: This simple game involves at least two players and one apple or ball to toss. Face each other and start a few feet apart. Throw the apple to the second player. After catching, take a step back. Repeat to see how far apart you can get and reset if someone fumbles the apple.
- Apple balance race: Take the apple or a small, shatterproof object and place it on your head. Balance it while walking. Keep it simple by walking a set distance and walking back, or spice it up with an obstacle course to weave through. If you drop the apple, spin around three times and keep going. For an extra challenge, time yourself and see who can travel a specific distance in the shortest amount of time.
- Apple tree: Using tape or your imagination, create a tree trunk on the floor or carpet. Expand to create branches off the main trunk. At the ends, place apples or your small objects. If you don’t want to use tape, you can play outside using sidewalk chalk, or use a couple rolled up towels or blankets.Then, practice your balancing skills by walking like you're on a tightrope, placing one foot in front of the next. Retrieve the apple and walk the path back.
We hope that you are able to enjoy one or all of these activities and incorporate movement into your day. Remember, being active does not need to be a production and building healthy habits helps to build healthy kids. Share your favorite apple treat in the comments and keep moving!