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8 Tips to Keep Your Kids Busy and Happy
Mar 30

8 Tips to Keep Your Kids Busy and Happy

By Sarah Cullo, Let's Move Pittsburgh Program Coordinator

With nowhere to go, and practicing social distancing a very real part of our new normal, tap into a few ideas to help you stay sane and also burn out some of that quarantine energy.

  1. Keep a routine. It can be difficult to transition to being productive at home for you and the kids. Start the mornings off by going over the day’s agenda. Check out this example of daily routine from the Busy Toddler here!  
  2. Try and get outside. The current quarantine doesn’t mean you have to stay inside. Try starting your day with an outdoor walk, as a family. Getting outside for even just ten minutes can help improve your mood1.
  3. Take dance breaks throughout the day. Have each household member take a turn picking the song and have a mini-dance party!
  4. Keep an eye on screen time. It can be easy to lose track of how much screen time everyone is clocking in. Break out the board games!
  5. Combine your kid’s screen time with physical activity. Check out Cosmic Kids YouTube channel. Cosmic Kids offers endless videos that incorporate interactive storytelling, yoga and mindfulness techniques for kids! 
  6. Spend time cooking together! Check out these recipes inspired by our favorite children’s books. Read a favorite story and prepare a meal together. 
  7. Since you’re already in the kitchen, why not experiment and make single serving mug muffins for a sweet treat! Try this recipe for banana bread for one! 
  8. Once you’ve prepped that meal, set up an indoor picnic. Setting up lunch on the floor is a fun way to mix up the day, get a different perspective, and spend time with your kid(s).

Using Nature and Outdoor Activity to Improve Children's Health