Phipps Blog
#bioPGH Blog: Will-o’-the-wisps, the Haunt of the Swamp
Have you heard the old folklore about phantom lights called will-o'-the-wisps? In honor of this week’s night of haunts and ghouls, let’s explore this spooky sprite with a scientist’s eye!...
Ask Ginger: Importance of Fiber
You've got questions ... we’ve got answers! Email your queries about healthy foods, physical activity and screen time for kids and Ginger will answer them here on the Phipps blog. Q: Why is fiber...
What We’re Cooking With Now: Spinach
Spinach is wonderful to eat without any special preparation. If the leaves have heavy stems you may want to remove them. Spinach also a great addition to salad greens and particularly delicious when sautéed. Add it to soups,...
#bioPGH Blog: Frosty Mornings
Have you ever wondered how frost forms? Grab a fuzzy scarf, and let’s explore!
Food in the News: Finding Healthy Food Options at Restaurants
To increase awareness of children’s health and wellness topics, Phipps' Let’s Move Pittsburgh program presents Food in the News, a column on local, state and national health policies and nutrition related updates...
Enter the Healthy Halloween Photo Contest for a Chance to Win a Phipps Family Membership
The 5-2-1-0 campaign reminds us to stay healthy by eating 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables, limiting recreational screen time to 2 hours or less, being active for 1 hour or more and drinking 0...
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