Phipps Blog
#bioPGH Blog: Nature’s Antifreeze
How do you manage the cold with no feathers, fur, fat, and no way to migrate?
This Week at Phipps: Jan. 10 – 16
There's always something new to see and do at Phipps! This weekly blog post provides a run-down of the latest happenings so you can plan your visit. Events listed below require no advance registration unless noted...
Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: Challenge #2 Winners Announced!
Thank you to the many schools that submitted entries for Challenge #2! This challenge was titled “Plant Love Stories.” It was designed in partnership with the Plant Love Stories blog by the Smith Conservation...
#bioPGH: The Boom Over the ‘Burgh
Western Pennsylvania ushered in 2022 with a meteor!
#bioPGH Blog: In Memory of E.O. Wilson, 1929 – 2021
We at Phipps are saddened to learn of the passing of biologist and writer E.O. Wilson. In his seminal 1984 book Biophilia, Dr. Wilson explored the evolutionary underpinning of an innate human desire to be connected to the natural...
#bioPGH Blog: Lake Turnover
Why does the water in a lake flip itself seasonally?