Phipps Blog
Embrace Heart Health with a 5-2-1-0 Valentine’s Day
Chocolate. Heart candies. Marshmallows. And more chocolate. Yes, Valentine’s Day is approaching and sweet treats are slowly making their way into our homes, schools, and workplaces. It can be a challenging week for those who...
Last Week in Science Education Programming
Last Week in Science Education Programming is our weekly seasonal segment featuring education programming. This is the place for camp parents to find pictures of their campers in action and see all the fun things we did throughout...
#bioPGH Blog: Tree Bark Identification
A resource of Biophilia: Pittsburgh, #bioPGH is a weekly blog and social media series that aims to encourage both children and adults to reconnect with nature and enjoy what each of our distinctive seasons has to offer. From the...
Last Week in Science Education Programming
Last Week in Science Education Programming is our weekly seasonal segment featuring education programming. This is the place for camp parents to find pictures of their campers in action and see all the fun things we did throughout...
#bioPGH Blog: Peregrine Falcons
A resource of Biophilia: Pittsburgh, #bioPGH is a weekly blog and social media series that aims to encourage both children and adults to reconnect with nature and enjoy what each of our distinctive seasons has to offer. From the...
The Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: Challenge #4
Challenge #4: Green Up Your School! Do you feel a sense of calm in nature? Do you find that the sight of a green landscape can make you focus on a task? Does the sound of running water relax you? Do singing birds make you...
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