Science Education Blog
#bioPGH Blog: Snow, Snow, Snow
What are some of the snowiest places in PA? What about the world? Where is one of the surprisingly least snowy places in the world?
Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: Slow Fashion Collage
Thank you to all of the students who submitted entries in the recent high school Fairchild Challenge, Visual Arts: Slow Fashion Collage. For this challenge, students researched the impacts of the fashion industry and...
#bioPGH Blog: A Snowy Day for Community Science
Let's get counting birds!
Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: Super[hero] Foods!
Thank you to all of the schools who submitted entries the recent Fairchild Challenge, Visual Art and Design: Super[hero] Foods! This challenge was completed by both elementary and middle school students, who were tasked...
#bioPGH Blog: Frosty Frogs! How Amphibians Spend the Winter
Have you ever wondered what happens to amphibians in the colder months?
#bioPGH Blog: Tree Rings to Rule them All
Have you ever wondered where tree rings come from?