Phipps Blog
#bioPGH Blog: Groundhogs – Neither Hogs nor Always on the Ground
They may not be the best indicator of spring and winter, but groundhogs are still a fascinating species!
Weddings Under Glass: Rebecca and Eric
Weddings Under Glass is a monthly blog series where we highlight the stories of couples who chose to begin their happily ever after in the lush backdrop of Phipps, named one of the best outdoor garden wedding venues...
The Biophilic Mind: Relaxing to the Sounds of Nature
Imagine that you are recovering from surgery and are laying in a hospital bed. Or that you have just given a presentation to a group of unconvinced judges. Or that you have just taken a difficult test that you are sure you have...
Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: Video Challenge Winners Announced!
Thank you to all the schools that submitted entries for our Optional Video Challenge! In this year’s challenge, Set the Stage for Air Quality, both middle and high school students created video skits in order...
#bioPGH Blog: Blue Jays the Tricksters!
Blue jays are clever problem-solvers and mimcs - let's learn a bit more about these bright blue tricksters!
What We’re Cooking With Now: Ginger
Looking for adventure in the kitchen? Our monthly What We're Cooking with Now post features a fresh produce ingredient, explains how to find the market's finest, and includes a recipe to try at home....
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