Phipps Blog
#bioPGH Blog: Ragweed
Does the name ragweed have you reflexively reaching for a tissue?
Ask Dr. Phipps: Native Evergreen Shrubs
Have a question about your perennials, houseplants or turf grass? Worried about pests in the garden, hydrangeas that won't bloom, or tomatoes that died on the vine? Dr. Phipps can help! Ask Dr. Phipps is a free service...
#bioPGH: Great Horned Owls
Who, who, who was calling in the night?
Ask Dr. Phipps: Landscaping to Reduce Tick Exposure
Have a question about your perennials, houseplants or turf grass? Worried about pests in the garden, hydrangeas that won't bloom, or tomatoes that died on the vine? Dr. Phipps can help! Ask Dr. Phipps is a free service...
#bioPGH Blog: Eastern Hemlock
This magnificent conifer has been a fixture in the state for thousands of years, but in the last several decades, the eastern hemlock has been in decline from the introduction of a pest.
What We’re Cooking With Now: Collard Greens
Looking for adventure in the kitchen? Our monthly What We're Cooking with Now post features a fresh produce ingredient, explains how to find the market's finest, and includes a recipe to try at home....
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