Phipps Blog
#bioPGH Blog: Nesting Season!
Being a "bird-brained" architect might actually be a compliment!
This Week at Phipps: May 15 – 21
There's always something new to see and do at Phipps! This weekly blog post provides a run-down of the latest happenings so you can plan your visit. Events listed below require no advance registration unless noted...
#bioPGH Blog: Meadows and Lawns in the City, Part III
Let's wrap up our dive into some on-going Phipps research!
The Hydroponic System Is Up and Ready to Go!
Young Scholars of Greater Allegheny will use their Champion Communities grant to fund a program that will grant elementary and middle school students access to garden space and foster a love of gardening that will teach them how to...
Let’s Move Pittsburgh and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-Hazelwood Put Fun Into Learning!
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-Hazelwood will use their funds to create hands-on educational programs geared towards managing food insecurity and tackling childhood hunger. Programs will be held in the library's garden space....
This Week at Phipps: May 8 – 14
There's always something new to see and do at Phipps! This weekly blog post provides a run-down of the latest happenings so you can plan your visit. Events listed below require no advance registration unless noted...