Phipps Blog
Tropical Forest Congo: The Movie?
We are happy to announce that Tropical Forest Congo has opened! The new exhibit reflects years of research, planning, and hard work. Over two thirds of the plant material in this space has been replaced with new plants native or...
Interview with BIA Fellow Anna Johnson
If there is one segment of society that is often misunderstood, it is people who work in science fields. Public perception of scientists tends to lean towards lab coats, crazy hair and beakers full of chemicals, especially in the...
Fairchild Challenge: Plants and Pollinators
Pollination is a magical process. A plant, through seemingly no will of its own and often with the help of a whole host of unwitting accomplices, is able to orchestrate the ritual by which its pollen is mixed and spread around...
Welcome Adam Haas, Interpretive Specialist!
We are very pleased to welcome the newest member of the Science Education and Research team, Adam Haas! Adam has been a part of Phipps marketing department for three years, and is now working part-time with our department, as...
BIA Fellows Publish Book for Kids
Phipps has several green roofs; each is, at its core, a pollinator garden filled with beautiful flowers and plants that provide habitat for birds, bees and other critters. They also help us to...
Managing Pests on your Indoor Herbs
Winter approaches, plants get moved indoors, and suddenly you find yourself engulfed in plants of all shapes and sizes. Aside from space, keeping plants indoors isn’t difficult. Plant growth will slow from reduced...