Phipps Blog
Botany in Action: Science Engagement Week
“Don’t forget the bear! We have to include the bear!” A small group of middle school boys were drawing an informational poster of the research they had just learned about from Rebecca Dalton, a graduate student...
#bioPGH Blog: The Scent of Earth After a Rain
The pitter-pattering of rain drops slows. A peek out the window reveals gray clouds retreating into the horizon, and fresh sunlight spills onto the wet ground. If you step outside, you can breathe in that earthy scent—a smell...
2016 Eco-Challenge Recap
What bright, thoughtful, innovative youth we have here in Pittsburgh! We just concluded a very exciting and successful Eco-Challenge to kick off to the 2016 – 2017 Fairchild Challenge. Visiting students got to participate in...
Health in Motion: Pittsburgh Faison at the Wheel Mill
This article is a part of a series called Health in Motion brought you by Let’s Move Pittsburgh. Health in Motion is intended to showcase the efforts of schools and community organizations in the Pittsburgh region who are...
#bioPGH Blog: Brassica Vegetables
Brussels sprouts. Does the sight of them on your dinner plate make you gag? If so, you’re not alone. But did you know that the majority of the fall harvest vegetables are related to them?...
Policy Update: American Heart Association Sugar Recomendation
The American Heart Association released a statement two weeks ago, recommending those 18 years or younger should consume 25 grams or less of added sugar each day, which is equivalent to one 8 oz sugary drink a week. It also stated...
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