Phipps Blog
Small Gardens, Big Impact: Permaculture Garden in Lawrenceville
Small Gardens, Big Impact is a new series of blog posts showcasing garden excellence at local homes. Published as part of our Greener Gardening series, each entry will pay a visit to one of our green-thumbed neighbors to discover...
#bioPGH Blog: What to Make of the Bird Decline Headlines
Headlines about major bird declines across the continent startled us this week - let's dig into the research to understand it a bit better.
What We’re Cooking With Now: Eggplant
Looking for adventure in the kitchen? Our monthly What We're Cooking with Now post features a fresh produce ingredient, explains how to find the market's finest, and includes a recipe to try at home. Eggplant Why:...
Remembering the G-20 Pittsburgh Summit
This month marks the 10-year anniversary of the 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh Summit, which took place at various venues across the City. Phipps hosted the welcome reception at the start of the summit on Sept. 24, 2009, bringing...
Back-to-School Sport and Play Safety
Now that summer vacation has wrapped up and the year is picking up kid’s schedules are starting to fill up! Whether your kid play soccer, football or loves to ride their bike to school, it’s important for kids to know...
Ask Dr. Phipps: Rose of Sharon Removal
Have a question about your perennials, houseplants or turf grass? Worried about pests in the garden, hydrangeas that won't bloom, or tomatoes that died on the vine? Dr. Phipps can help! Ask Dr. Phipps is a free service...
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