Phipps Blog
Botany in Action Fellow to Speak at the Three Rivers Arts Festival Tonight!
Tonight, Tuesday June 9th, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, one of Phipps' Botany in Action Fellows, Dr. Anna Johnson, will be giving a short presentation and demonstration about the history of invasive plants in garden design...
Five Great Reasons to Come to Summer Camp at Phipps!
With all the options available for summer camps, why choose to send your child to Phipps? After all, there are hundreds of camps that are offered around the city every summer and there are so many different themes and types of...
June is Great Outdoors Month: Celebrate by Going Outside!
June is right on the cusp of the seasons – not yet steeped in the intense heat of July, yet more dependable for sunny days and picnics than May. Half spring and half summer, June is a great time to get outside. Perhaps...
Phipps’ Botany in Action Fellow Publishes Again!
Our Botany in Action Fellows are always working to share their research with others! This time, Jessica Turner, one of our returning Botany in Action Fellows, is again the author of a recently...
Botany in Action at Phipps
You may not realize it when you set foot in the conservatory, but every day Phipps is actively aiding in the pursuit of knowledge through research. For the past several years, Phipps' Botany in Action program...
The Importance of Kindness: Teaching Empathy Through Interaction with Nature
Everyone wants to be liked. There is an inherent human need to feel like an accepted member of a group. That is why many of us join clubs and professional organizations. We all feel our best when we think we...