Phipps Blog
Van Gogh Tribute Week: July 29 – Aug. 4
There's always something new to see and do at Phipps! This weekly blog post provides a run-down of the latest happenings so you can plan your visit. Events listed below require no advance registration unless noted...
The Biophilic Mind: A Walk in the Park to Reduce Rumination
If you have been following along on this blog, you are well aware of the benefits of experiencing nature. I am excited to share today’s study because it shows the same potential benefit in two ways, because twice the evidence...
Breathing in the ‘Burgh, Part I: What’s in Our Air, and Where Does It Come From?
Pittsburgh struggles with air quality, having ranked 10th worst out for daily measure of fine particulate pollution by the American Lung Association in 2019, and we regularly note air quality warnings during weather broadcasts and...
#bioPGH Blog: Mosquitoes
Get ready for the itch factor - it's mosquito time!
Learning for a Greener Future 2019: Week 5
The Learning for a Greener Future internship is a six-week program offered by Phipps to Pittsburgh-area high school students. Cheyenne Griffin and Cody Jones completed the internship last summer and have returned this year as...
Ask Dr. Phipps: Get a Jump on Japanese Beetles!
Have a question about your perennials, houseplants or turf grass? Worried about pests in the garden, hydrangeas that won't bloom, or tomatoes that died on the vine? Dr. Phipps can help! Ask Dr. Phipps is a free service...
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