Phipps Blog
Meet a Scientist: Lauren Schricker and Rachel Reeb
Lauren Schricker and Rachel Reeb are two local biologists who will be in the Tropical Forest this Saturday, December 14, from 1:30-3:30 pm, for Meet a Scientist Saturday!
Fairchild Challenge at Phipps: Challenge #2 Winners Announced!
Thank you to all the schools that submitted entries for Challenge #2, Shade Our Schools – Leaves Are Cool! This second challenge of the 2019-2020 school year was also the Fairchild Challenge Global Challenge....
Ask Dr. Phipps: Saving Perennials
Have a question about your perennials, houseplants or turf grass? Worried about pests in the garden, hydrangeas that won't bloom, or tomatoes that died on the vine? Dr. Phipps can help! Ask Dr. Phipps is a free service...
#bioPGH Blog: Owl Prowls
Owl prowls are my current favorite wintry evening activity - have you ever attended one?
One Pot Indian Cooking: Moong Dhal Kitchedi
In this Let’s Move Pittsburgh spotlight, we are featuring this blog post written by a Phipps’ favorite, Jayashree Iyengar. As the first instructor of the Phipps' culinary arts classes, Jayashree continues to bring...
#bioPGH Blog: Tubers and Turkeys and Pies – Oh My!
Thanksgiving dinner is just bursting with some fascinating food science!
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