Phipps Blog
Now Accepting Applications: Phipps’ 2020 Summer Interns!
Applications for the 2020 High School Summer Internship are now being accepted! We are looking for highly motivated high school students with an interest in environmental issues, horticulture, or green careers to serve as summer...
#bioPGH: What Kind of Wintertime Snooze?
Hibernation is a bit more complicated than simply sleep - let's check it out!
Birds on the Brain
The story of birds on the islands is not a happy one. Of the original 150 birds or so, over 90 have gone extinct. Of the remaining 44 endemic species, 33 are endangered. A third of these 33 are likely...
Hiking Through Kōke’e State Park
Sunday is a day of rest, so Adam and I set off for a good hike. Kōke’e State Park is found at one end of the road around Kauai. This incredible forest is diverse and holds some of the native forest that is...
Touring Limahuli Garden
Limahuli Garden is one of the five gardens in the National Tropical Botanical Garden network. This garden is particularly unique, though, for its representation of a traditional Hawaiian ahupua’a. Today Katie Champlin,...
Community in Kauai
As part of the three-year planning and design process behind our upcoming Tropical Forest exhibit, Julianna Razryadov and Adam Haas are traveling to Hawaii to study first-hand the region’s biodiversity hotspots, natural...
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