#bioPGH Blog
A resource of Biophilia: Pittsburgh, #bioPGH is a weekly blog and social media series that aims to encourage both children and adults to reconnect with nature and enjoy what each of our distinctive seasons has to offer. From the best times to plant seasonal flora and enjoy their peak blooms, to astronomical events and creatures to keep an eye and ear out for, Phipps will keep you in the know with what’s going on in our environment!
#bioPGH Blog: Timberdoodley-doo!
A true springtime favorite!
#bioPGH Blog: What Happens to Insects After These Warm Days?
Insects appeared when it warmed up this week, but where do they go when it's cold again?
#bioPGH Blog: Egg Watch!
It's bald eagle egg time!
#bioPGH Blog: Playin’ Possum
Let’s learn a bit more about our quirky neighbors!
#bioPGH Blog: Mud, Glorious Mud!
'Tis the muddy season!
#bioPGH Blog: Still Tick Season!
It feel like one day we are dressed for the Arctic and the next day we're checking for ticks! What is that all about?