5-2-1-0 in Schools

Get the Toolkit
The 5-2-1-0 Goes to School Toolkit is a step-by-step guide for launching, leading and evaluating your 5-2-1-0 program. Inside you will find resources to help you conduct an assessment, create an action plan, and implement the 10 Strategies for Success.

Champion Schools
Let’s Move Pittsburgh wants all child care centers, preschools and elementary schools in Allegheny County to be the best places for youth to live, learn and grow! Learn more about our Champion Schools program which funds wellness initiatives in schools, and see what schools in your area are doing to make their institutions healthy and fun for their students.
Professional Development
Raise Your Hand for Health
Raise Your Hand for Health is a resource guide of health and wellness resources available to schools in Allegheny County. Raise Your Hand for Health was developed by Let's Move Pittsburgh and the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC by completing a comprehensive inventory of health and wellness programs and services available to Allegheny County schools.
Wellness Policy Guide
Strengthen your school’s wellness policy using the Wellness Policy Guide. This guide assists schools in developing and implementing wellness-related policies. It includes Let’s Go! and Healthier U.S. School Challenge strategies that support healthy eating and active living.
Live Well Allegheny
Want to receive recognition for your school district’s efforts to promote health and wellness? Learn how to become a Live Well Allegheny School District.
Favorite Resources from the Toolkit
- Activity Cards for the Classroom: This set of printable cards contains a handy supply of easy, on-the-spot physical activities for kids.
- Ideas for Healthy Fundraising: Research clearly demonstrates that good nutrition is linked to better behavior and academic performance. Finding alternatives to unhealthy fundraisers, such as bake sales, will promote a healthier school environment.
- Conduct Taste Tests: Taste tests allow students to get excited about new foods. They can try different items, provide feedback and ask questions.
Visit our Homes and Communities page to access additional 5-2-1-0 resources.