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Bird’s-Eye View: An Art-Science Approach to Youth Engagement for Interspecies Friendship and Survivability

Dr. Beth Osnes | Professor of Theatre and Environmental Studies at the University of Colorado

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Dr. Beth Osnes describes a youth-centered program that combines natural history and performing arts while empowering youth to take action about environmental causes they care about.

Speaker Bios and Abstracts

About the Speaker

Beth Osnes, Ph.D., is a Professor of Theatre and Environmental Studies at the University of Colorado. She is co-director of Inside the Greenhouse for creative climate communication and co-founder of SPEAK for women vocal empowerment. Explore her most recent work, an art-science approach to youth engagement  for interspecies friendship and survivability, at Her books include Theatre for Women’s Participation in Sustainable Development and Performance for Resilience: Engaging Youth on Energy and Climate through Music, Movement, and Theatre. She is featured in the award-winning documentary Mother: Caring for 7 Billion.  She lives in Boulder, Colorado.