Landscape Reconciliation
Ujijji Davis Williams | Associate, SmithGroup; Adjunct Professor, University of Detroit-Mercy School of Architecture
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In these quaking moments, response to climate change seems more prevalent and necessary than before. Our environments - both ecological and social - need a vigorous response toward healing. Designers, especially landscape architects, play a significant role in facilitating this healing by leading the charge toward reconciliation for a future that is healthy, inclusive and just. Ujijji will explore these ideas through her work and research to identify just where we might fit in.

About the Speaker
Based in Detroit, Ujijji Davis Williams is a practicing landscape architect and urban planner who focuses on landscape and urban design, master planning and strategic implementation. She is currently an Associate at SmithGroup, and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Detroit-Mercy School of Architecture. In 2019, she won the ASLA Bradford Williams Medal of Excellence for her critical essay, “The Bottom: The Emergence and Erasure of Black American Urban Landscapes," and in 2020, she received the Michigan ASLA Emerging Professionals Award. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University, and a Master of Urban Planning from the University of Michigan. She’s originally from Brooklyn.